How does S3 Media Maestro secure and protect my media?

S3 Media Maestro works hand-in-hand with Amazon S3 to sign/encrypt the URL which also includes link expiration. If you are sharing media without S3 Media Maestro, you would need to set the permissions for the media file to public which means anyone can access the URL at any given time, and share the link across the internet.

S3 Media Maestro utilizes the AWS S3 API so that your media does not need to be set to public preventing direct access to your media.

S3 Media Maestro can be configured to set an expiration time on the URL. For example, a video can be embeded with a 1 minute expiration. When someone loads the page with the video, the video URL is generated on the fly. The URL is encrypted and has an expiration time of 1 minute. If someone were to view the HTML code for that webpage, find the video URL, and share it, the URL would only work for 1 minute from the time the page loaded. So by the time someone posts the URL to a forum or sends it via email, there is little to no time for someone to access the video.

The countdown starts at page load which means the expiration doesn't give internet thieves ample time to steal your content. This also means that if you refresh the page a new URL is generated and the expiration time begins to count down again.